Just a few words

Just a few words
Repeat themselves
Over and over again
That’s language
To be shared
Reflect reality
Ideally or else
Submerge illusion
Which way to go
It is your choice
Not taken lightly
But given sound
Touch the heart
And free soul
As war rages
People suffer
Apparently unjust
To come together
Sooner or later
Or part for good
Any way that is
What’s happening
Over and over again
Repeating itself
Just a few words
Of love will help
As actions resolve
Right and wrong
What is that it is.

“Nature’s echo in blue calm” — where a contrast meets

PentaBluNa — 8-string guitar — 2:47 — as loop on a separate tab

Trust and the honorable harvest

Trust is a delicate matter. It takes forever to build up. But it can vanish in one instant. One lie or what’s seen as absolute negative can destroy what took years, decades, even centuries to build up. Trust! Once blemished or broken, it’s very hard to build up again and may at best remain shaky for a long time. That’s where most part ways. But how about remaining together? That’s love!

“If I don’t pick rocks and pull weeds, I’m not fulfilling my end of the bargain. I can do these things with my handy opposable thumb and capacity to use tools, to shovel manure. But I can no more create a tomato or embroider a trellis in beans than I can turn lead into gold. That is the plants’ responsibility and their gift: animating the inanimate.”

“The guidelines for the Honorable Harvest are not written down, or even consistently spoken of as a whole — they are reinforced in small acts of daily life. But if you were to list them, they might look something like this:

Know the ways of the ones who take care of you, so that you may take care of them.
Introduce yourself. Be accountable as the one who comes asking for life.
Ask permission before taking. Abide by the answer.
Never take the first. Never take the last.
Take only what you need.
Take only that which is given.
Never take more than half. Leave some for others.
Harvest in a way that minimizes harm.
Use it respectfully. Never waste what you have taken.
Give thanks for what you have been given.
Give a gift, in reciprocity for what you have taken.
Sustain the ones who sustain you and the earth will last forever.

The rules of the Honorable Harvest are based on accountability to both the physical and the metaphysical worlds. The taking of another life to support your own is far more significant when you recognize the beings who are harvested as persons, nonhuman persons vested with awareness, intelligence, spirit — and who have families waiting for them at home. Killing a who demands something different than killing an it. When you regard those nonhuman persons as kinfolk, another set of harvesting regulations extends…” — the Honorable Harvest.

Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer, pp. 126-127 and 183

An honorable swan beyond words

Just a few words
Crossing paths with an honorable swan — March 2022 — Champ Pittet, Yverdon-les-Bains

How much is imagined

How much is imagined
Where is the substance
More a reality or illusion
Can we distinguish them
So intricately intertwined
When we look at things
What colors the image
Enhances or distorts
Pointing out reality
Or veiling in illusion
To elude experience
One moment it’s here
The next it will be gone
As if it never happened
But it’s cast in memory
More or less accurately
Possibly quite twisted
To suit circumstances
How it was in reality
Until it was all over
In the flow of life
Move on beyond
That one moment
Always to the next
Not linear like a river
But round concentric
For it is the sea of life
Where history meets
The prophecy of now
May be a blessing
In reality indeed.

“Wake and ready for an new day” — Aeolian with a touch MinReach — piano — March 2022 — 5:35

“Time is not a river running inexorably to the sea, but the sea itself — the tides that appear and disappear, the fog that rises to become rain in a different river…
In circular time… stories are both history and prophecy, stories for a time yet to come. If time is a turning circle, there is a place where history and prophecy converge.”
Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer, pp. 206-207

How much is imagined
Pebbles sparkle in a creek — February 2022 — Valle Maggia, Ticino

Is it really freedom?

Is it really freedom?
Or is it rather captivity
Liberty through captivity
Captivity through liberty?

Liberating for decades,
Limiting all of a sudden
It is, was, and will be
Always was, after all
What one wants to see
And what one does not.

So far that’s freedom,
But captivity dictates
What to see and how
Absolute and exclusive
Black and white only.

Freedom has colors,
Possibilities all open
For divine spirit to flow
Free in every which way
Not channeled by power
But meandering in love
It is divine reciprocity
What one gives out
Will come back to
Is it really freedom?
Or is it rather captivity
Liberty through captivity
Captivity through freedom?
Love and power it is!

Thundering liberty and freedom

TetraNa — 8-string guitar and large gong — March 2022 — 9:16 — as loop on a separate tab

Get out, arrive!

“What if you were a teacher but had no voice to speak your knowledge? What if you had no language at all and yet there was something you needed to say? Wouldn’t you dance it? Wouldn’t you act it out? And wouldn’t your every movement tell the story? In time you would become so eloquent that just to gaze upon you would reveal it all.”

“The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because, in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they can be shared with others.”

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer — pp. 128-129 and 134

Swan in liberty and freedom

Is it really freedom?
Swan relishing the early spring sun — March 2022 — Thun, Switzerland

Decide for yourself

Decide for yourself
It is your own reality
Your most sacred space
What you live and love.

Then you meet others
Deciding for themselves
It is their very own reality
Their most sacred space
That they live and love.

At times to some extent
Realities will coincide
As far as actually real
However illusions clash
With others and oneself
While we live and love.

Love triggers what one loves
Reality is we’re here together
In this life this very moment
To share the reality of now
Where all realities blend
And illusions fall apart
As we live and love.

That’s all here and now
Let’s live and love for real.

Happy birthday, Robin Hood! — for K.

Ionian / diatonic major (with a touch Mixolydian) — 8-string guitar — March 2022 — 4:53 — as loop on a separate tab

Illusion or reality — life and love decide

A beautiful mother highland cattle cow apparently decided that I came too close to her calf by talking to it and to her. Thus, she decided to come charging at me full speed. Too late to back off, I stood firm, extended my arms to look bigger, and yelled at her. That stopped her onrush of lowered impressive horns — only a few feet in front of me. For a very tense moment of standoff that seemed forever, we both remained frozen stiff, too close for comfort. Then we took a breath and most slowly just backed away from each other, as she went to check on and comfort her calf (see photo below).

Decide for yourself
Highland cattle cow protecting her calf — February 2022 — Ghieiba, Lavizzara, Ticino — photo by Karin Gsöllpointner

Imperfect perfection

Imperfect perfection
Perfect imperfection
It is just what it is
As I am that I am
You are as you are
How close we are
Is a choice to take
Approach or distance
Somewhere in between
We let each other be
We are who we are
Soul in a live form
Riding through life
All discovering love
That makes it possible
In imperfect perfection
And perfect imperfection
To be relished for one
And shared with all.

“Courage it takes” — a linguistic audio medley

Quadruple canonic quadri-lingual voice, English, German, French, Italian — February 2022 — 2:53 — text in Spiritualibus blog post “Courage it takes” (language selection via flag on left bottom)

Imperfect perfection in action

The above linguistic audio medley “Courage it takes” provided the basis for one of the pieces performed by Ulrico at the concert In the Happy Garden — sound and song in Basel on February 10. The same is true for another piece “無為 Wu wei — Contemplation” that appeared in the recent blog post Things come together. The concert came about through the cooperation between Ulrico and Marcel Haag. More info about it you find in the blog post In the Happy Garden — sound and song.

Patiently and gratefully welcoming spring sun rays

Imperfect perfection
Frozen waterfall — January 2022 — Tschingelsee, Switzerland