Words and values

Words and values
To communicate
Or simply noise
To get attention
And influence
But it’s true
Of one or some
Feeling as many
Wish they were
Any given status
Flushed far out
For freedom
At long last
To simply be
Passing on
Values found
While living
With words
And read
Else lost
On pages

“Blue sound step ahead” — all the same and different

PentaMin / PentaEol (pentatonic minor) — bass, 8-string guitar, lap slide guitar, tanpura — 5:47

All you fight against, you are — words and values

Lately he recalled a thought from his youth, from when he was a teen. It went something like this: “That all you fight against, you are, that is something which is. So stop fighting, and you are!” Well, it took him over half a century to come back to this and to a point of realizing and living this by being just himself, increasingly free of fighting, accepting nature and life in every way, to let things and beings be, let life be as it is. Indeed, after all, that is something which is!

No words, just an image of untold value

Words and values
Sunset caressing a wheat field by a tree on top of a hill — June 2023 — Saurenhorn, Switzerland