
Of contrasts
Ma and Pa
In or out
Ex and con
Cave or hill
To and from
Ahead or back
Reg and pro
Duality meets
In every mix
Of harmony
And balance
Soul — spirit
Some call it
The divine
Moment now.

“Ma Sa Papa” — hearts long for peace

MinReach (harmonic minor) on F# — 5-string guitar and crotales — 7:22

From “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy

“I’m so small,” said the mole. “Yes,” said the boy. “But you make a huge difference.”

“What do you think is the biggest waste of time?” “Comparing yourself to others,” said the mole.

“One of our greatest freedoms is how we react to things.”

“When have you been at your strongest?” asked the boy. “When I have dared to show my weakness.”

“Sometimes I worry you’ll all realize I’m ordinary,” said the boy. “Love doesn’t need you to be extraordinary,” said the mole.

From “Big Panda and Tiny Dragon” by James Norbury

“I wish this moment could last forever,” said Tiny Dragon. “This moment is all there is,” said Big Panda.

“We’re lost again,” said Big Panda. “When I’m lost,” said Tiny Dragon, “I find it helps to go back to the beginning and try to remember why I started.”

“What are you thinking about?” asked Tiny Dragon. “Nothing.” said Big Panda. “It’s wonderful.”

“When you light a lantern for someone else, you cannot help but light up your own path.”

(pp. 45, 83, 95, 111)

Luck dragon surfing on a beam of light from above

Majestic Bernese summits Eiger, Mönch, and Jungfrau — September 2023 — Männlichen, Switzerland