The tonality of the month is PentaBluMix — with a calm sound sample to start:
Practical Use and Purpose
The purpose of Tonalibus is to provide an overview and reference of anchored tonalities and their inherent harmonic qualities for practical use — to touch, uplift, purify, and heal, as an expression of the inexpressible — to reach beyond duality.
Harmonic Pivot
A core concept of Tonalibus is the harmonic pivot. We can realize a harmonic pivot, when things appear or we see them as being in full alignment. Then we may recognize universal harmony — or what some also call the music of the spheres — in more or less conscious realizations of individual and collective experiences. Inter alia, Tonalibus shows how even harmonics make waves, and odd harmonics complete circles.
Harmony, Tonalities, and Tonalibus
Harmony, for me, Ulrico, is how well something expresses the inexpressible and can touch and uplift the heart. Tonalities I see as sets of correlated vibrations. The results of my research in this context I call Tonalibus. The Tonalibus website presents some fundamental concepts of harmony and tonalities, an extensive catalogue of anchored tonalities, a collection of sounds, as well as the Spiritualibus blog and the Fidibus shop.
New Spiritualibus Blog Posts – Excerpts
Posts often include new sound samples, spiritual poems, quotes, and photos.
To see a post in its entirety, click on its title above the excerpt.
Oct-Nov 2024 Tonalibus update
This Oct-Nov 2024 Tonalibus update highlights news from playlists and sounds, plus the coming January 30, 2025 release of the new single Perfect imperfection — one step closer. Then it touches on the current Tonalibus outlook, including a scant review and look ahead. Finally, this update closes with a few Dumbledore quotes.
No arrogance
No arrogance
Be the best
Rather worst
Tonality of the month: PentaBluMix
The tonality of the month is PentaBluMix. It consists of PentaBlu lower pitches along with a DorMixolydian upper tetrachord…