Have I ever told you
how beautiful you are,
how wonderful and special?
And that I love you?
Words may sound corny.
But actions,
like a smile or glance
deep into each other’s eyes,
can bring it all across just fine.
At times moved to a tear —
a little drop of the essence
of the loving heart.
Yes, I love you
and see you in all your beauty.
Often it’s hidden
or comes out backward
if at all.
But then we learn more about it.
Little by little.
And another lesson
is waiting already.
On and on.
As soon as one thing is in place,
another presents itself.
Such is the flow of life
and divine love
in the present moment
throughout eternity.
Cycles within cycles,
spirals complementing each other
into harmonic pivots
to be pointed out
to each other
if ever possible —
soul to soul,
heart to heart.
There are no suitable words.
Still, it’s good to talk,
to write, to communicate,
to pass on what can be.
It is through giving
that we can receive
more — love,
the nature of the divine.