Happy Day!
It's a new moment.
It may seem more so than ever.
For it just is.
Being in life, in nature,
and also in love,
has its risks.
One may hold back, out of fear,
or thrust forward as can be.
Somewhere in between,
each finds a range to camp
or even to root in some.
It's a tide pool, though.
Sooner or later
it will be flooded again
to renew life.
Thus it's preferable
to remain flexible -
not to get too rooted in anywhere.
Also in spiritual paths and religion.
But for simplicity, just in places.
Even the best will eventually
get worn down when crowded,
when rules and regulations
overtake common sense,
when power and control
dent love and freedom.
Thus undulates consciousness
in the tide pool of life,
in the lower worlds.
But one can go beyond duality
into the planes of spirit - of soul.
Yes, it's very possible, indeed.
Here is love and freedom,
consciousness and creation,
divine light and sound.
That's where the spark of life
in everyone comes from,
and where it returns -
where soul is at home.
There are many masters,
as they may be called,
who teach how to travel here,
reside here in consciousness,
here and now in action.
But each individual does so
in their very own way -
live, love, and eventually
go beyond duality
including the dichotomy
of student and teacher -
sooner or later.
This precludes either of the two
from proclaiming their way
of stepping ahead
into divine consciousness
as the only way of doing so.
Even though, for each
their way is their only way
to get through in the moment
and reach the divine
that is present here and now.
Your way is not my way;
and my way is not yours.
Each goes their own way.
That is the way of life,
of spirit, of love divine.