So what's coming about,
when the pen is put to the empty page,
a brush of color to the blank canvas,
some voice and sound to the silence,
or consciousness to the moment?
Let's see!
Life is wonderful - a constant miracle
with all its challenges, surprises, lessons, and all.
At times, it may appear as a curse, then again a blessing.
Which way we see it makes all the difference -
how happy I am, what I can give to others,
the heart and consciousness of soul.
Is anyone looking or listening?
Does it matter at all, or make a difference?
Well, everything and everyone does, in their own way.
Each of us has their very own way and options,
even though in the end it's a choice of one,
the way it is in the moment, in the now.
The flow of life, love divine,
the river from the mountains to the sea.
We are climbing the mountain of God,
sailing the ocean of love and mercy.
We may plant flowers in our worlds
and moments in the garden of God.
We'll also notice the flowers we trample.
Humanity can do a lot, an awful lot of that.
You and I are human and thus complicit,
whether we want it or not, we carry
the burden, the reality that results
from all we did, and do, and will do.
It's not the illusion of thinking that matters,
but the reality of being, of action and doing,
regardless if anyone is listening or looking,
or if anyone notices - except yourself!
In silence, the blank canvas, the moment of now, embrace
your voice and consciousness, we know by heart and soul.
Sun shining through autumn maple leaves — Chanhassen, MN — October 2020