The April 2021 tonality of the month is HexaCorMix — a Core and partially anchored hexatonality.
HexaCorMix very recently found its place in the Tonalibus catalogue, along with HexaCorMaj and PentaCor. This came about as result of studying how all four corners of the sound temple relative to a fundamental can fit together harmonically. Besides these three, there are a few further such Core tonalities that have the horizontal-vertical anchor cross in their footprint. They are ReachUpMix (the tonality of March 2021), BlueMix, ReachUpMaj, and LoReachUpMix. The latter is one of a set of three partially anchored Reach tonalities, Tonalibus has integrated into its catalogue in recent weeks.
You may enjoy a sound sample loop, such as the one of the tonality of the month, as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment, focusing, or simply for relaxation and regeneration as soothing background sound. Further, you could hum or chant along, for example using HU or another mantra syllable, and tune yourself to the fundamental.