One’s own way
Yes, I am going my way! Are you going your way? Unless you are, indeed You're not going your way.
Can anyone ever go Someone else's way Beyond being inspired To get moving along?
Traveling together works As long as we are clear That sooner or later Our paths will part.
Thus, let's celebrate While we are together The light and sound In the love of life.
Thank you for being While we were and are And will be, also not In the freedom of now.
Love is what carries all Everyone and everything The only way is under our feet Yours, mine, and everyone's.
We rally around ideas shared Visions can unify and divide Until conscious beyond duality Now all is one, and one is all.
Teachings and teachers Fulfill their very purpose When, finally, at long last One stands on one's own feet.
Am I going my own way When I am who I am? I am going my own way When I am home as soul.
Because, as well as in spite of all
Oneself, teachers, and teachings
In the end it all comes together
Otherwise it is not yet the end.
In the miracle of life and love
Each ending is a new beginning
Each new start follows conclusions
As every moment God realizes itself.
“Journey Around the Sun” — a circular Core modulation
“What is half will become whole.
What is crooked will become straight.
What is empty will become full.
What is old will become new.”
— from verse 22 of the Tao Te Ching 道德经 by Lao Tzu (1972 Diederichs edition, p. 62)