The July 2021 tonality of the month is ReachUp — a Reach heptatonality.
The tonality of this month of July is ReachUp, a partially anchored Reach or harmonic heptatonality. It is also known as double harmonic minor, Gypsy minor, and Hungarian minor. It contains two Reach steps or augmented seconds. Because of the rised one in the lower tetrachord, its Tonalibus name became ReachUp. The tritone and major seventh help form the two Reach steps and contribute to braking up the otherwise pronounced minor tendency of this tonality.
You may enjoy a sound sample loop, such as the one of the tonality of the month, as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment, focusing, or simply for relaxation and regeneration as soothing background sound. Further, you could hum or chant along, for example using HU or another mantra syllable, and tune yourself to the fundamental.