Album of sound
Tonalities on site
Compositions go
Out into the world
To see who’ll listen
Now available to all
A drop in the ocean
So little and small
Into the multitude
Flooding the world
These current days
Of being connected
And at the same time
Separated and isolated
By these virtual screens
While the yearning heart
Looks to touch another
And be touched as well
Manifest and tangible
All the way in reality.
Detach the tangible
Grasp the intangible
Secret of the middle
Listening, observing
So the heart can hear
The call of spirit’s love
That’s always present
Right here and now.
An album of sound: Tonalibus A, B, & C
An extensive album called Tonalibus A, B, & C with thirty-one pieces by Ulrico is in the process of being released on platforms like Spotify, YouTube Music, Amazon, and many others. More info on this will be in the coming July Tonalibus Update.
From the I Ching 易經
“For freedom and well-being to unfold in the durable forms of our shared spaces, we have to renounce the tangible and listen to the mystery of the intangible in the middle, so that our heart can be awakened by its spiritual call.”
— Kontexte des Segens [Contexts of Blessing], ䷟ #32 Hong 恆, Die Fortführung [Persevering], In der Treue zur lebendigen Mitte sich dem dauerhaften Weg hingeben [In loyalty to the loving heart, devoting oneself to a sustainable path], Thomas Primas