For the remainder
One’s very own way
Through the gate
Into a realization
Of self and God.
Free of ambition
Flow like water
Humble as air
As solid as rock
In spirit and love
The golden heart
Detached surrender
Embracing the present.
Here is all that is
What will be was
What was will be
The moment now
In spiritual freedom.
Traveling as soul
Conscious beyond
Listening and looking
What experience is
Within and without
Melting into unity
Individually all one
Working together
In relative harmony
Divine love all the way
May the blessings be.
From the I Ching — the book of changes
“It is heaven that knocks at your heart, and it wants to walk with you in what you encounter, a person or an event, for part of the way. This can be shorter or longer, even last the rest of your life, but don’t worry about that. What matters is not quantity, but quality, your willingness to open up and to offer your heart. … [This is] about love in all its forms, about letting yourself be transformed by it. The angel of the encounter then takes care of the rest.”
— Kontexte des Segens [Contexts of Blessing], ䷞ #31 Hiën 咸, Die Anziehung [Attraction], Unvoreingenommene Begegnung mit dem Du [Unbiased encounter with the you], Thomas Primas
“Heaven and earth influence each other, and all things take shape and come into being. The wise one influences the hearts of people, and the world comes into peace and tranquility. If you look at the emanating influences, you may recognize the nature of heaven and earth and all beings.”
— I Ging, das Buch der Wandlungen [I Ching, the Book of Changes], #31 ䷞ Hiën 咸, Die Einwirkung (die Werbung) [Exposure, courtship], 1972 Diederichs edition, p. 485
Six-second video to end this post, for the remainder
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