Imperfect perfection
Perfect imperfection
It is just what it is
As I am that I am
You are as you are
How close we are
Is a choice to take
Approach or distance
Somewhere in between
We let each other be
We are who we are
Soul in a live form
Riding through life
All discovering love
That makes it possible
In imperfect perfection
And perfect imperfection
To be relished for one
And shared with all.
“Courage it takes” — a linguistic audio medley
Imperfect perfection in action
The above linguistic audio medley “Courage it takes” provided the basis for one of the pieces performed by Ulrico at the concert In the Happy Garden — sound and song in Basel on February 10. The same is true for another piece “無為 Wu wei — Contemplation” that appeared in the recent blog post Things come together. The concert came about through the cooperation between Ulrico and Marcel Haag. More info about it you find in the blog post In the Happy Garden — sound and song.