The tonality of the month of October 2022 is PhrygDorian — a clustered heptatonality.
W. A. Mathieu in “Harmonic Experience” refers to this intriguing tonality as “Dark Horse” or Mixolydian/Phrygian. He also expresses affinity for its “slightly off-putting mystery.”
The octave of a clustered or melodic tonality includes five whole steps and two half steps (or semitones). This is the same as for diatonic tonalities. However in a clustered tonality, either one single or a group of four consecutive whole steps, one and four alternating, separate the two half steps from each other. While in the far more commonly used diatonic tonalities, there are two and three, not one and four consecutive whole steps.
You may enjoy a sound sample or tonality loop as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation. This can help with upliftment, purification, and focusing. Or it could simply be used as soothing background sound for relaxation and regeneration. If you care to hum, chant, or sing along, you could use a spiritually charged syllable like HU or Ōṃ / Aum ॐ, or another mantra syllable that suits you.