Do you hear
The sound
It will do
And does
Has done
Who we are
As soul
And spirit
The divine
Guides all
And sings
That song
Of love
In hearts
That listen.
You can hear
Embrace it
Be embraced
By the sound
Like a torch
In the dark
Before dawn
The rising sun
Sound heals
All wounds
On the way
“Embracing Ma” — Pro-Reg-Pro meditation
ملا نصرالدین — Do you know the secret of happiness?
Nasrudin is known as much for his wisdom as his foolishness, and many are those who have sought out his teaching.
One devotee tracked him down for many years before finding him in the marketplace sitting atop a pile of banana peels — no one knows why.
“Oh great sage, Nasrudin,” said the eager student. “I must ask you a very important question, the answer to which we all seek: What is the secret to attaining happiness?”
Nasrudin thought for a time, the responded. “The secret of happiness is good judgment.”
“Ah,” said the student. “But how do we attain good judgment?”
“From experience,” answered Nasrudin.
“Yes,” said the student. “But how do we attain experience?”
“Bad judgment.”
— From The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness by Joel ben Izzy, pp. 206-207
Do you see and hear the clearing of mystifying mists?