What can we do
When the very best
Mixes with the worst
And claims are made
That it is the only best
Confirming the worst?
Indeed, this is human
Though all are divine
Souls, sparks of God
But still also human
Not just wanting to be
But better, even best
Tipping over to worst
As the cycles close
And spirals overlap
Disclosing what is
Unified in harmony
Merging opposites
To be sorted out
Once and for all
Like in a garden
Many things grow
And some do not
Whatever reason
Known or ignored
But visible to all
And best left alone
In the harmony of nature
The light and sound
And love divine.
“As God Realizes the Moment” — in memory of Billy
“Iz Hie”
Si mir üs scho mau begägnet
Hei mir zäme tanzt im Räge
Si mitenang im Mondliecht gsässe
Si mir zäme scho mau gstorbe
U wider inenang gebore
U heis bis hüt nur vergässe
Si mir uf dr Ärde gläge
Hei üs d Frage gsteut vom Läbe
Üs der wiit Himmu u dr glich Atem teilt
Hei mir üs scho mau verwundet
Üs verlore, wider gfunde
Üs verletzt u wider gheilt
Wüu i luege di a
Zum erschte Mau
U aues isch da
Hei mir üse Wäg scho gha
Oder faht är a
Es isch egau
. . .
“Now Here”
Have we already met before
Did we dance together in the rain
Sit with each other in the moonlight
Did we already die together once
And were born again in each other
And only forgot about it till now
Did we lie down on this Earth
Ask us the questions of life
Share the wide sky and same breath
Have we already hurt one another
Lost and again found each other
Wounded and healed again
Because I look at you
For the first time
And everything is here
Did we already have our path
Or is it just beginning
It matters not
. . .
— “Itz Hie” (Bernese-German), Alva Lün / Andrea Pfeifer — on Spotify and other platforms
What can we do — beyond letting go
![What can we do](https://tonalibus.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/20230715_173650414_iOS-xc-1024x484.jpg)