There are some who talk
And others who listen
Mostly to themselves
However — in hopes
Someone may hear
And dance, at last
Dreams come true
From young to old
Hunt mosquitoes
After all preventing
From being eaten up
As source of blood
The physical world
In nature’s hands
So many humans
Mess with things
Fight each other
But most oneself
Until pay the price
At last we are free
In heart and head
First of all as soul
In consciousness
Spirit and divine
Detached let go
And dwell in love
At peace and free
Right here and now
At home in silence.
“Among suns, moon, and stars” — a hopeful blues
The value of music for enjoyment and for enlightenment
“Such is the body, a heap of filth surrounded by impurities of all sorts; and yet intelligent people utilize it as a means for worldly enjoyment [bhukti भुक्ति ] and for salvation [mukti मुक्ति ]. The pursuit of the manifest [saguṇa सगुण ] leads to worldly enjoyment and the meditation of the unmanifest [nirguṇa निर्गुण ] leads to salvation. Contemplation attainable through one-pointed concentration of attention is not conveniently within the reach of people; therefore, under the circumstances, the sages take resort to the easier means of worshiping the unmanifest nāda [ नाद sound, tone, or vibration]… Even that, being devoid of emotional color, does not interest the (common) people. Now, therefore, we shall describe the creative process of the manifest sound, which expounds … the entire subject matter of music which is the means of peoples’ amusement as well as of attaining freedom from the limitations of existence…”
— Saṃgītaratnākara संगीतरत्नाकर (“Ocean of Music and Dance”) of Śārṅgadeva शार्ङ्गदेव (1175–1247), Sanskrit to English translation by Dr. R. K. Shringy with Dr. Prem Lata Sharma, pp. 103-107