This November 2023 Tonalibus update announces new Sounds and additions to Playlist L. Plus it highlights the completion of individual Pentatonality selection in the Fidibus shop to systematically form personal tonalities for one’s own compositions and eventually personal sound mantras. Further, this update touches on the recent integration of another tonality into the Tonalibus catalogue. And finally it mentions a general improvement to this website.
November 2023 Tonalibus sounds and playlist progress
Newest Tonalibus recordings now appear in Playlist L, initiate November 2023 sounds, and complete Sept-Oct 2023 sounds:
— “Mischief or miss a chief” — PentaBluNaLa with chant
— “Happy cat’s meow” — head and heart
— “Starlight before dawn” — gentle blue heart mix — for M-D
Individual tonalities selection development progress
As part of individual Tonalities selection in the Fidibus shop, personal Pentatonality selection is now complete and available for simple and extended selections based on one’s personal harmonic base relative to all twelve chromatic pitches.
Preliminary tetratonality selection mentioned in the previous update was let go in favor of going directly to pentatonalities.
A new addition to the Tonalibus tonalities catalogue
PentaBluNaLa, a basic pentatonality and prime Na tonality, was recently integrated into the Tonalibus catalogue of tonalities after discovering it’s uniquely pleasant and slightly mischievous harmonic qualities.
November 2023 update on Tonalibus website performance
Response time performance of the Tonalibus website recently improved very noticeably through a hosting service CPU and memory upgrade and better caching. However, DE, FR, and IT translations of voluminous pages, e.g. of the Sounds index, can still take a few seconds to appear the first time called up.