The tonality of the month of December 2023 is PentaBluNaLa — the most recent addition to the Tonalibus catalogue — a partially anchored basic pentatonality and prime Na tonality. The name PentaBluNaLa indicates that this is a pentatonality based on initial Na(tural) harmonics including the Blu(esy) minor third. The syllable La indicates that the major sixth is present (and no seventh). As Na tonality, PentaBluNaLa pitches cover harmonics in both directions, progressive as well as regressive — giving expression to a fusion of contrasts, of major and minor, of duality into unity.

You may enjoy a sound sample or tonality loop as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation. This can help with upliftment, purification, and focusing. Or it could simply be used as soothing background sound for relaxation and regeneration. If you care to hum, chant, or sing along, you could use a spiritually charged syllable like Ōṃ / Aum ॐ, or HU, or another mantra syllable that suits you.