The tonality of the month is ReachMix — a Reach or harmonic heptatonality.
ReachMix, a fully anchored Reach heptatonality, is the tonality of this month of April 2024. This tonality combines a DorMixolydian upper with a regular Reach lower tetrachord. ReachMix is similar to the tonality of the previous month, ReachMin, except that the sixth is now major instead of minor. The basic melodic element (pakad) of the Bairagi Bhairav raga presented last month with ReachMin is still somewhat noticeable in the new ReachMix sound sample above. However, there is a heartfelt expansion to an additional parallel more elaborate resolution pattern onto the lower quint. This highlights the rounded balancing quality of the DorMixolydian upper tetrachord.

You may enjoy a sound sample or tonality loop as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation. This can help with upliftment, purification, and focusing. Or it could simply be used as soothing background sound for relaxation and regeneration. If you care to hum, chant, or sing along, you could use a spiritually charged syllable like Ōṃ / Aum ॐ, or HU, or another mantra syllable that suits you.