The tonality of the month of October 2024 is ReachUp.
The tonality of this month is ReachUp, a partially anchored Reach heptatonality. It is also known as double harmonic / Gypsy / Hungarian minor. Characteristic for this tonality are its four half tone steps, two of them successive, and its two Reach steps or augmented seconds. Because of the Reach step high up in the lower tetrachord, its Tonalibus name became ReachUp. There being no further specification in that name for the upper tetrachord indicates the presence of the second Reach step, a regular one, in the upper part of this tonality. The tritone and major seventh help form the two Reach steps. And they contribute to balance the otherwise pronounced minor tendency of this tonality. This fascinating tonality appears some in Carnatic (South Indian) and Turkish music, less frequently in Jazz and Western classical music.
You may enjoy a sound sample or tonality loop as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation. This can help with upliftment, purification, and focusing. Or it could simply be used as soothing background sound for relaxation and regeneration. If you care to hum, chant, or sing along, you could use a spiritually charged syllable like Ōṃ / Aum ॐ, or HU, or another mantra syllable that suits you.