The tonality of the moment for winter 2024/25 is LocorReach.
The tonality of the moment is LocorReach, a Locor / Cor Reach heptatonality. The name LocorReach indicates that this tonality contains the lower Core pitches and in the upper tetrachord a regular Reach-step. Its step pattern is as follows: Ascending from the fundamental (tonic or Do), a Reach step leads to a half plus a whole step. Then follow two consecutive half steps and another Reach step. Finally a half step leads up to the octave. LocorReach is, as other partially anchored Reach heptatonalities of the subgroup Locor / Cor, characterized by containing the minor and major third, plus also the tritone.
You may enjoy a sound sample or tonality loop as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation. This can help with upliftment, purification, and focusing. Or it could simply be used as soothing background sound for relaxation and regeneration. If you care to hum, chant, or sing along, you could use a spiritually charged syllable like Ōṃ / Aum ॐ, or HU, or another mantra syllable that suits you.