Generational interplay of harmony

What is the generational interplay of harmony? —

When the quart (or fourth) was the tonic or fundamental, the present tonic was its quint (fifth), its most harmonic ally. Then, when it became the quart, it turned more contrasting and less harmonic. But, after all, it was still fundamental for what it was. It had to let go of its previous prime position. The quint to the present fundamental now took the place of most harmonic.

That is the progression or flow of harmony and how harmonic anchors form through a fundamental with its quint and quart. Progressive and regressive qualities balance in the present looking ahead, as well as back to where one came from. Then, a touch of the quint’s quint (the fifth of the fifth) can be hauntingly stirring.

We can see this as the generational interplay of harmony and tonalities.

To its full extent, we know this in music as the circle of fifths or quint cycle. It takes the form of a regular dodecagram, which is recognized as an expression of sacred geometry by some. Tonalibus presents this in the five-course series Harmonic and Tonality Fundamentals in its fourth module Quad Harmonic Anchors and the Quint Cycle.

Brief silent video loop: the quint cycle as presented by Tonalibus under Concepts Highlights — Started or stopped, you can manually move back and forth through these images at your own pace by sliding the video progress dot horizontally.

Beyond duality

As follow-up addition to this, there is also a message on Dualism from September 11, 2021.

Beyond duality

With the flow of life and spirit, everything and everyone gets their share, as cycles come and go. We breath in and breath out. We give and receive. There are waves and circles. There is even and odd. As long as we are in the dual worlds, we deal with contrasts, with ups and downs, good and bad, in and out. But in consciousness, as soul, we can go beyond duality, beyond polarities, and beyond illusions.

What is going beyond duality?

Initially, going beyond is commonly still very dual in itself. This lasts as long as one remains caught in the polarity of being within duality or seeing oneself as beyond. Beyond as such is still well within duality, as one keeps distinguishing between within duality and supposedly beyond or outside.

Finally, when two or more sides merge and unite into one indivisible whole, there are no more dual distinctions and polarities dissolve. Then, it all just is, you are, and I am — we are! Henceforth, there are no more claims of having reached beyond. There are no fitting words. But there is action. This characterizes a viewpoint of soul, of objective consciousness, of divine love and acceptance.

How we can go beyond polarities and illusions

This is where it gets personal — very personal. After all, everyone follows their own individual path through life and beyond. The infamous only way is one’s own way, one’s own experience. This goes beyond words and the mind; it becomes a matter of action and of being.

There are many individually more or less helpful tools and teachings one can apply in the effort to unfold and advance beyond polarities and illusions. For me, Ulrico, sound has been and continues to be fundamental to my path through life and my unfoldment — sound, along with light, divine spirit and love, as well as inner and outer teachers and guides.

Sound can be used as mantra, possibly in conjunction with sacred syllables such as ॐ — Ōṁ / Aum or HU. Tonalibus promotes the use of tonality loops, like the tonality of the month/moment (the first item on the homepage), individually selected tonality sound sample loops (from the catalogue of anchored tonalities), or an individual sound mantra as tool to help one go beyond limitations and duality, to strengthen one’s personal experience and individual connection with the divine spark in each of our hearts.

Everyone and all exists, you and I, in spiritual freedom and divine love, as soul in consciousness. Beyond duality!

IMG_3892 cx - Beyond duality
Never ending fascination with daybreak and sunrise — January 2021 — Grächwil, Switzerland

The gate opens

The gate opens

All that was needed was some action

Take steps ahead, knock on the door, ask in balance.

Will it come about?

Certainly otherwise than expected

It may well come through much better than envisioned

Though seen obliquely all along in pure essence

Wondering, could it ever be so wonderful?

Yes, it’s possible!

Embraced with full acceptance

All is as it is, totally reliable in nature and God

Encouraging everyone to just step across the sill of heaven!

The gate opens
Honoring a sand mandala before its dissolution — Kiental — June 2018

Is it not

After all,
is it not
very obvious?

Well, for one
who knows,
has seen,
for himself,
it is clear
and simple.

But for others
it is beyond,
a secret
to discover,
a mystery
to experience,
though right
in front
of one's face.

Therefore give
it your best,
holding back
no thing
and nobody.

Thus every
single moment
opens up
a new door
to life's secrets
and divine love.
Is it not - Lauenensee
Lake Lauenen — a jewel so protected, it may become a memory — September 2013 — photo by Sabina Haas

First out

An end
new start
a vacuum
be filled.

to be open
to all,
when only
some or one
at a time
can come
or go.

Make room
give space
and freedom
first out
it flows
before in
to balance.

Our home
the heart
of love
right now
and ever.
First out
The sun about to rise from behind the mountains — Grächwil, Switzerland — December 2020