Megalomania or realization of soul?

Megalomania or humble realization of soul, which is it? The poison of power or the blessing of love? The two could not be further apart. Nevertheless, they seem to be part of one and the same thing — of human aspirations. So what is spiritual mastership?

Each aims to be somebody, while realizing more or less that he or she is a nobody. “Now I am absolutely nobody any more!” The last words of my father resonate deep in my heart.

The light flickers again. Just when I decide to exchange the bulb, it stops and returns to give a steady, gentle shine. Sooner or later the bulb will have to be replaced. But in the meantime it may accent special moments with flickering. Would another bulb do the same? Was it the power supply that flickered, or just the bulb?

We may explore apparent causes and eventually get to the bottom of things. But bottoms have the tendency to remain hidden, veiled from view, except for the deepest of explorations.

Megalomania or humble realization of soul? The poison of power or the blessing of love? Which is it?

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Birch and beyond, the horizon of the majestic Alps — near Grächwil/Meikirch, Switzerland — March 2020

Endings and beginnings, all in one

Telling one about something makes it more real. Words have much power, and love, depending on how we use them. My aim is to build up, not to tear down. But how can we keep the two apart, or rather bring them together? One requires the other. To build up a thing, something else has to give. Love requires power; and power requires love. One without the other does not work well — if at all. Can we find a measure of this in time delineation, in more balance offering more sustainability?

As things come and go, life in this dual world is framed by beginnings and endings. However, we can go beyond in consciousness. The essence of being, some call it soul, is not bound by beginnings and endings, but dwells in eternity, in the present moment. This is where the paradox of duality becomes apparent. Beginnings are endings; and endings are beginnings!

Life and love move, unfold, and advance in cycles, in circles and spirals — beginnings and endings, endings and beginnings, all in one.

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Welcome to Tonalibus!

Welcome to Tonalibus and, if you signed up for it, to the September 18, 2020 or first monthly Tonalibus newsletter that alerts you to most recent Spiritualibus blog posts.

Some encouraging, initial reactions to Tonalibus:

“This fits right in with my recent past few years search for spiritually compatible music.” — California

“Congratulations! I celebrate with you the wonderfully uplifting and poetic consciousness of this site. I even dreamed about it.” — Wisconsin

“This has been sheltered and protected all these many years. The time for its birth has arrived to see and hear a further expression and extension into the universe.” — Minnesota

“Your website is like lying under a starry sky and marveling at it in amazement.” — Bern

“May this adventure you just sent out in service to human kind, be successful in reaching whoever may need it for their next step in spiritual unfoldment.” — Ticino

“I intend to listen to more sound samples and choose what suits me best, so I can use it for relaxation and perhaps for contemplation.” — France

And from the recent first public mini-concert session: “No music has ever touched me like this. Sweet tears came to flow already with the first note. The sounds opened my ears.” — Basel

Welcome to Tonalibus! As humans, we want to understand. But some things are meant to just be enjoyed, not to be understood. Going beyond duality is such a thing, or spiritual freedom, and love. We have an innate sense for harmony and sound, each in his or her individual way. Therefore, what’s harmonious for me may not be so for you, and vice versa. Some of this we may understand — or not. Thus is our perception, our individual experience and consciousness. But there are patterns we can grasp as such. Tonalibus aims to express some of these. Your comments like the above confirm that it can work. Thank you for your encouragement. From heart to heart — Ulrico

it's been a long way
It’s been a long haul! — Thank you for everything.

Stand Strong — individually and together!

Why hesitate?
Once something's done, 
it can't be undone.
Such is the nature of existence.

So what?
Go with the flow.
Or swim against the stream.
The currents carry all along.
Going against them 
brings just more or less delay.
But it may not change things.
Or does it?

Can a current be changed,
if enough swim against it?
It all starts with one.
Not that currents be reversed.
But maybe a little adjusted, 
a little more one way or another.
After all, the flow of consciousness is 
the compendium of everyone and everything.
Each individual's thrust makes a difference.
Yes, it does.

I aim to make my difference 
and relish the one you make.
Will it be for the better?
Each tries in his or her way.

In unity and harmony, 
with goodwill we help each other
and overcome the divisiveness 
that tries to pull us down.

Thus, stand strong - 
individually and together!

Active Harmony

Time had come to step out. It was a mixed bag to show oneself in all one’s strength and weakness. How would it be received? There was only one way to find out. That was to put it out there for all to see. And brace for the reactions. Most likely there would be a range, from none to hopefully some — some negative, others positive.

Some may question, even attack, others encourage. Some may be confused or misunderstand. Others may see something useful that could help them take another step ahead in unfoldment, in spiritual freedom and divine love, free of dogma and living life fully — observing and relishing how God realizes the moment present in total harmony and love for all and everything.

This is the fulcrum, the harmonic pivot to alert each other to, with the encouragement to find one’s own expression and explore how this applies in every-day life. This is active harmony.

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Active harmony, harvest time – September 2020