For good and soul

Inside the box
Or outside of it
Bigger outside
Limited inside
But protected
Defined and set.

A master explorer
Or framed settler?

Balance is needed
Community agrees
With each other
On many things
And leaves room
To disagree some.

Thus we get along
May stay together
Or otherwise part
While the whole
Includes in and out
Cycles back and forth
Exploring and settling.

Both are appropriate
At the right time
And the best place
To root in for good
Or pull up to go on
Breathing in and out
As the body's settled
Until sooner or later
Soul will just move on
In love with all life.

“BlueMix Syntropy” — for good and soul

BlueMix — multiple 8-string guitar — January 2021 — 5:54 — (under Winter 2020/2021 available as loop)
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Never ending fascination with daybreak and sunrise — January 2021 — Grächwil, Switzerland

Little balloon

PentaProLa / PentaIon floating up a little balloon — multiple 8-string guitar and bass — January 2021 — 3:29 soundscape

Sooner or later, little balloon may pop

Or else, just lose air and shrivel away.

Thus, it will end its inflated life cycle.

Deflated, it has not much existence

Unless new or intact, ready to grow.

So, will it be filled with plain air

To be the weight of surroundings

Just slightly heavier by its own,

Or is there a lighter filler at hand

So it can rise and float up high?

Quite unusual is a heavier filler

Unless maybe water to play toss

As a little harmless splash bomb

Offering a rather short life span

To a little balloon used this way.

Thus it is with such balloons.

Most are destined to soar

Preferably up, by lift or toss

Eventually coming back down

Having served their purpose.

What did they find up there

Besides a message of joy

The breath of life and love

Spiritual freedom and truth

Divine spirit, soul, and God?

After all, what’s left deflated

Is just a heap of misery, if torn;

However, if intact, to be reused.

Breath in and float up ever again

For another day in life and love!

Tonalibus 2nd go 2020-11-20 - little balloon
New Tonalibus balloon to be further inflated and float up and soar — November 2020

It’s a miracle

It’s a miracle how it all adds up. After all, it appears that all the pieces fit together, beyond what we could ever plan or humanly envision. To discover this, however, one needs to let go of everything. That does not mean to get rid of things, not all of them at least. Practicing detachment allows the flow its freedom to be and flow as it does. And, at the same time, making a concentrated effort to go with it, to tune in, puts energy and focus into realizing the flow, the audible life current — with the fundamental attitude: “Thy will be done!”

Then dreams can come true, beyond ego or selfishness, for the good of the whole. Nature has its way — life and love. The back and forth of individuals, coming together and parting again, their exchange and communication perpetuates itself in the flow of nature, of karma, and ultimately in spiritual freedom.

Please, don’t try to tell me who we are. Let’s find out together in being and doing, living and loving, exploring the moment now!

It’s a miracle — the “Gateway to Haven and Hell”

Nepali and Tibetan cymbal pairs, gongs — December 31, 2020 — 6:39 soundscape — needs a sound system capable of low sounds.
Nepali and Tibetan cymbal pairs, gongs, 8-string guitar, vichitra veena, voice — December 31, 2020 — 6:44 soundscape — sound system capable of low sounds recommended
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Sun setting, going down to come up again another day — Eriz, Switzerland — June 2020