No price is too high
For freedom’s peace
If one can pay in coin
It’s better than blood
But best it’s with love
With light and sound
And in total honesty
It could be painful
But deeply healing
Cleaning out all dross
Lives past and present
Entirely here and now
Observing the divine
God is realizing itself
Every moment anew
Giving each freedom
To create one’s world
An existence in love
Free of any hatred
So easily kindled
Human interaction
Claims of ownership
Or plain selfishness
Let go and jump in
The current of life
And love divine
Where we ever are.
“Pragmatic freedom in expression” — a prayer song
Two fundamental laws humans agree upon
“Two fundamental laws on which all major religions and philosophies agree: (1) do all you have agreed to do and (2) do not encroach on other persons or their property. A simple formula, 17 words. Black’s Law Dictionary defines encroach as follows:
‘To enter by gradual steps or stealth into the possession or rights of another; to trespass or intrude. To gain or intrude unlawfully upon the lands, property, or authority of another.’
Each religion or philosophy expresses these laws in different ways but all concur on these two laws — and not much else.
The not much else is as important as the two laws. …
The two laws are stated and restated throughout the lore of all the great religions. They are the point on which all come together.
But only these two. Except for them we have little or no agreement about right and wrong.
So, these are the only two rules that can be enforced on everyone. To go beyond them would be encroachment.”
— “Whatever happened to justice?” by Richard J. Maybury, pp. 31-32
No price is too high for the beauty of freedom and peace