When the quart (or fourth) was the tonic or fundamental, the present tonic was its quint (fifth), its most harmonic ally. Then, when it became the quart, it turned more contrasting and less harmonic. But, after all, it was still fundamental for what it was. It had to let go of its previous prime position. The quint to the present fundamental now took the place of most harmonic.
That is the progression or flow of harmony and how harmonic anchors form through a fundamental with its quint and quart. Progressive and regressive qualities balance in the present looking ahead, as well as back to where one came from. Then, a touch of the quint’s quint (the fifth of the fifth) can be hauntingly stirring.
We can see this as the generational interplay of harmony and tonalities.
You may enjoy a sound sample loop, such as the one of the tonality of the month, as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment, focusing, or simply for relaxation and regeneration as soothing background sound. Further, you could hum or chant along, for example using HU or another mantra syllable, and tune yourself to the fundamental.
As follow-up addition to this, there is also a message on Dualism from September 11, 2021.
Beyond duality
With the flow of life and spirit, everything and everyone gets their share, as cycles come and go. We breath in and breath out. We give and receive. There are waves and circles. There is even and odd. As long as we are in the dual worlds, we deal with contrasts, with ups and downs, good and bad, in and out. But in consciousness, as soul, we can go beyond duality, beyond polarities, and beyond illusions.
What is going beyond duality?
Initially, going beyond is commonly still very dual in itself. This lasts as long as one remains caught in the polarity of being within duality or seeing oneself as beyond. Beyond as such is still well within duality, as one keeps distinguishing between within duality and supposedly beyond or outside.
Finally, when two or more sides merge and unite into one indivisible whole, there are no more dual distinctions and polarities dissolve. Then, it all just is, you are, and I am — we are! Henceforth, there are no more claims of having reached beyond. There are no fitting words. But there is action. This characterizes a viewpoint of soul, of objective consciousness, of divine love and acceptance.
How we can go beyond polarities and illusions
This is where it gets personal — very personal. After all, everyone follows their own individual path through life and beyond. The infamous only way is one’s own way, one’s own experience. This goes beyond words and the mind; it becomes a matter of action and of being.
There are many individually more or less helpful tools and teachings one can apply in the effort to unfold and advance beyond polarities and illusions. For me, Ulrico, sound has been and continues to be fundamental to my path through life and my unfoldment — sound, along with light, divine spirit and love, as well as inner and outer teachers and guides.
Sound can be used as mantra, possibly in conjunction with sacred syllables such as ॐ — Ōṁ / Aum or HU. Tonalibus promotes the use of tonality loops, like the tonality of the month/moment (the first item on the homepage), individually selected tonality sound sample loops (from the catalogue of anchored tonalities), or an individual sound mantra as tool to help one go beyond limitations and duality, to strengthen one’s personal experience and individual connection with the divine spark in each of our hearts.
Everyone and all exists, you and I, in spiritual freedom and divine love, as soul in consciousness. Beyond duality!
New Tonalibus, Spiritualibus, and Fidibus developments —
This December 2020 Tonalibus update highlights: The new glossary, winter sounds, the first few revamped tonality pages with additional sound samples, renewed Spiritualibus blog pages and post formats, Fidibus shop updates on individual sound mantra steps, mini-concert sessions, and Tonalibus exploration courses; and finally, the general Tonalibus image collection.
Tonalibus updates
Under About you now find a Glossary with short definitions in an alphabetic listing of basic and unique terms and names used by Tonalibus – for each languages of the site, in English, German, French, and Italian.
New under Sounds is the page Winter 2020/2021 with a growing collection of new personal sound samples that explore diverse possibilities and reflect the character of the time.
First examples of renewed individual tonality pages include Reachmix, Bluemix, and Hexablue. Each features a new calm, more contemlative or meditative sound sample to complement the other more rhythmic sound sample. These samples are also available as loop on adjunct pages, Reachmix sound loops, Bluemix sound loops, and Hexablue sound loops.
Spiritualibus blog updates
The Spiritualibus blog page was revamped for clarity and to accommodate the growing number of posts. The category Omnibus marks relevant highlight posts. New secondary post pages offer listings of recent posts and separately of Tonalibus posts, Spiritualibus posts, and Fidibus posts. A mono- and quadri-lingual Spoken Word experiment you find in the poetic post “Dear God”.
Fidibus shop updates
Tools for preparing an individual sound mantra (ISM) emerged in three steps and pages on the Tonalibus site. Individuals requesting an ISM will sequentially receive the required passwords to work these steps. Step-1 includes some basic questions to qualify a request for an ISM. Step-2 provides an exercise to find one’s own fundamental sound and a few initial sets of tonalities to individually evaluate. Based on Step-2 results, individuals receive specific directions, which of the comprehensive tonality groups offered or specific tonalities in Step-3 to focus on and to evaluate.
At this time of the global pandemic, open Tonalibus mini-concert sessions continue albeit with very small attendances of friends. Going forward we plan such sessions on various days of the week.
The start of the current three-session Tonalibus exploration course had to be postponed by roughly a month due to the current Coronavirus pandemic.
Tonalibus general images collection
You find this collection of general Tonalibus photos and key images under About.
Via this December 2020 Tonalibus update I wish you happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year! — Ulrico
You may enjoy a sound sample loop, such as the one of the tonality of the month, as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment, focusing, or simply for relaxation and regeneration as soothing background sound. Further, you could hum or chant along, for example using HU or another mantra, and tune yourself to the fundamental.