Tonalibus and Fidibus update — November 2020

Tonalibus in English, German, French, and Italian —

The Tonalibus website is now available also in French and Italian, besides German and the original English. It appears by default in the language of your system settings or your geographic region. You can manually set the language on the bottom left of the screen by selecting the small American, Swiss, French or Italian flag.

It took a lot of fine-tuning to have these languages reasonably well aligned. Actually it was surprising how inconsistent and often inaccurate automatic translation engines still are. One of the supposedly best of them provided the initial translations of the Tonalibus website and continues to dynamically translate elements on this site. Therefore, the previous warning remains in full force: When in doubt about a statement on this website, please refer to the original English version.

Individual sound mantras, exploration courses, and mini-concert sessions

We have formalized the first several steps of individual sound mantra creation. These steps are now available on password-protected Tonalibus website pages to those requesting a sound mantra.

A custom-tailored Tonalibus exploration course series is starting. Its language is Swiss-German. The first of the three-sessions presents a condensed introduction to some key Tonalibus concepts. The second session focuses on determining the personal, fundamental sound and individual tonalities. And the third session is dedicated to practical work with tonality applications and improvisations.

After a short break, due to the current pandemic, open mini-concert sessions resume in December with only half of the few seats in the studio available. Mini-concert session program samples are now accessible on the Tonalibus website in PDF format.

Fidibus shop offerings of Tonalibus continue to develop as they come into more practical use.

An encouraging note received just now, Nov. 19, 2020

Good Morning Uli 
I thought you might like to know that I am enjoying your creation this 
morning. I am currently listening to PentaProLa / Pentaion. Thanks for creating this... 
very nice to listen to while I work. 
Warm Regards
[a friend in California - Pentaion sound sample page]

Tonalibus insights keep evolving — a glimpse ahead…

Tonalibus 2nd go 2020-11-20
Sketch of a geometric proof? — New Tonalibus harmony insights — Nov. 2020

Tonality of the month: Mixolydian

The November 2020 tonality of the month is Mixolydian — a regular diatonic heptatonality.

Mixolydian sound sample — plays as loop until stopped or going to another page on this tab. (Or play it on a new tab.)

You may enjoy a sound sample loop, such as the one of the tonality of the month, as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment, focusing, or simply for relaxation and regeneration as soothing background sound. Further, you could hum or chant along, for example using HU or another mantra, and tune yourself to its fundamental.

Winter birch at sunset — Grächwil/Meikirch, Switzerland — December 2014 — the Tonalibus theme photo

Spontaneous surprise

“Spontaneous Surprise” is the title of a new, longer sound sample on the Tonalibus website under Sounds. This piece features a lively single track of open tuned 8-string guitar and complementing voice that ended up going to unexpected depth. This was the result of extensive tuning in and deep relaxation into the sound current during this spontaneous improvisation. To hear the low pitched voice, use a sound system or speakers capable of reproducing bass sounds. This is a birthday greeting and gift of love from a father to his son.

8-string guitar and voice — October 2020 — 4:47 loop — sound system capable of low sounds recommended
IMG_3522 cv - Spontaneous Surprise
Happy Birthday! — Boston — October 2020

Tonality of the month: HexaBlue

The October 2020 tonality of the month is HexaBlue — a tritone or blues tonality and hexatonality.

HexaBlue sound sample — plays as loop until stopped or going to another page on this tab. (Or play it on a new tab.)

You may enjoy a sound sample loop, such as the one of the tonality of the month, as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment, focusing, or simply for relaxation and regeneration as soothing background sound. Further, you could hum or chant along, for example using HU or another mantra, and tune yourself to its fundamental.

With HexaBlue, humming or chanting along can trigger a more intense experience of the harmonies of this tonality. The potentially somewhat dissonant feel of the tritone may at first throw you off the fundamental to some extent. But once tuned in, steadily humming or chanting the fundamental, you may hear the deeper harmony of this tonality. After all, the tritone is its eleventh natural harmonic.

tree - Tonality of the Month: Hexablue

Welcome to Tonalibus!

Welcome to Tonalibus and, if you signed up for it, to the September 18, 2020 or first monthly Tonalibus newsletter that alerts you to most recent Spiritualibus blog posts.

Some encouraging, initial reactions to Tonalibus:

“This fits right in with my recent past few years search for spiritually compatible music.” — California

“Congratulations! I celebrate with you the wonderfully uplifting and poetic consciousness of this site. I even dreamed about it.” — Wisconsin

“This has been sheltered and protected all these many years. The time for its birth has arrived to see and hear a further expression and extension into the universe.” — Minnesota

“Your website is like lying under a starry sky and marveling at it in amazement.” — Bern

“May this adventure you just sent out in service to human kind, be successful in reaching whoever may need it for their next step in spiritual unfoldment.” — Ticino

“I intend to listen to more sound samples and choose what suits me best, so I can use it for relaxation and perhaps for contemplation.” — France

And from the recent first public mini-concert session: “No music has ever touched me like this. Sweet tears came to flow already with the first note. The sounds opened my ears.” — Basel

Welcome to Tonalibus! As humans, we want to understand. But some things are meant to just be enjoyed, not to be understood. Going beyond duality is such a thing, or spiritual freedom, and love. We have an innate sense for harmony and sound, each in his or her individual way. Therefore, what’s harmonious for me may not be so for you, and vice versa. Some of this we may understand — or not. Thus is our perception, our individual experience and consciousness. But there are patterns we can grasp as such. Tonalibus aims to express some of these. Your comments like the above confirm that it can work. Thank you for your encouragement. From heart to heart — Ulrico

it's been a long way
It’s been a long haul! — Thank you for everything.