Anchored Core tonalities and derivatives
A diverse collection with a common core
Derivative Core tonalities, not included in the Tonalibus catalogue, but below in the overview visuals and the characteristics, as well as in the basic and extra Cor(e) sound samples:
HexaLoCor — LoCor — OctaCor — HexaCor
Overview visuals
On the page Tonalities, you find a list of all anchored tonalities included in the catalogue, along with a side-by-side juxtaposition of their scale patterns, as well as a general overview of fundamental pitch distribution patterns.
Sound samples of Cor(e) tonalities and derivatives
To play a sound sample continually, you may enable your browser’s loop option via right-click, if available, and then also disable looping again to stop playing it the next time it reaches its end.
Basic Cor(e) tonalities and derivatives
Extra Cor(e) tonalities and derivatives
Common characteristics of Core tonalities and derivatives
Cor(e) tonalities and derivatives are a diverse collection of specific hepta-, hexa-, and pentatonalites, plus one octatonality, with a common core. Though only partially or progressively anchored (with the exception of fully anchored BlueMix and BlueMaj), they are uniquely anchored in that they contain all four corners of the sound temple. Besides the fundamental or octave, these include the minor third, tritone, and major sixth. Containing all four corners of the sound temple, they tend towards dissolving tonality. Thus they can open up more freedom in experiencing sound and rather unusual harmony.
In addition to the Cor(e) tonalities presented in the Tonalibus catalogue, there are further derivative Cor(e) tonalities, as shown above. These derivatives are more challenging and delicate to use so that their harmonic qualities carry forth. And even then, they are better used but in small dosage.