
HexaProMix — a Pro tonality, hexatonality, and prime Na tonality

Harmonic visuals

Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa – 2024-01 – 84
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa – 2024-01 – 85
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa – 2024-01 – 86
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa – 2024-01 – 87
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa – 2024-01 – 88
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Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa - 2024-01 - 84
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa - 2024-01 - 85
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa - 2024-01 - 86
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa - 2024-01 - 87
Tonalibus 2e-7 hexa - 2024-01 - 88
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Scale and sound samples

1) HexaProMix — plain scale — 13 seconds
2) HexaProMix — embellished scale — 21 seconds
3) HexaProMix — short sound sample, rhythmic — 66 seconds
4) HexaProMix — short sound sample, calm — 2:08

You may enjoy a sound sample or tonality loop as sound mantra for contemplation or meditation, for upliftment and focusing, or simply as soothing background sound for relaxation and regeneration.


  • Hexatonality matrix: There are two common and two exceptional interval distributions within the octave of hexatonalities in the catalogue. The two common distributions are: 1) one Reach step, four whole steps, and one single half step (or semitone); and 2) two Reach steps, two whole steps, and two half steps. The two exceptional interval distributions include: 1) three Reach steps, no whole step, and three half steps; and 2) one augmented Reach step (spanning four half steps), three whole steps, and two half steps.
  • HexaProMix: The name indicates that this is a hexa- and Pro tonality with the upper tetrachord DorMixolydian. As Pro tonality, the lower tetra- or trichord is major without the regressive quart. The identifier Pro stands for progressive.
  • Step pattern: Ascending from the fundamental (tonic or Do), two consecutive whole steps lead to a Reach step. Then follows a whole step and a half step. Finally a whole steps leads up to the octave.
  • Scale intervals: Major second, major third, quint, major sixth, and minor seventh.
  • Tetra- and trichords: The lower tetra- or trichord is PentaMaj and the upper is DorMixolydian.
  • Harmonic axes: There is one axis, ES-WN.
  • Primary harmonic anchors: The fundamental or North anchor is partially present, with its head and right leg. The West anchor is fully present, while the East anchor has only its right leg. The contrast or South anchor is completely absent.
  • Secondary harmonic anchors: Two secondary anchors are present, EN and SW. Both emphasize the fundamental North anchor with the quint as well as the West anchor, one more the North, the other more the West.
  • Hexa- to Hepta- and Pentatonality correlation: HexaProMix is equivalent to Mixolydian without quart, to PentaProLa/PentaIon with minor seventh, or PentaPro/PentaNa with major sixth.