Tonalibus F, G, & H – Album

The album “Tonalibus F, G, & H” appears globally on many music platforms on March 2, 2023, offering 25 meditative improvisations by Ulrico, spanning 3½ hours of uplifting healing music.

This album presents recordings from early summer through the end of 2022, from playlists F, G & H. On November 28, 2022, Tonalibus already released track #24 “Phrygian HU — a meditative blues” as single.

Music distribution platforms used

This and other Tonalibus releases are available on the following music platforms. Some of these music services are restricted to particular regions or countries or may provide international music only within their territory. Links offered below lead to the available Tonalibus releases.

“Tonalibus F, G, & H” — album tracks

From playlist Tonalibus H — Roots, beginnings, and endings

1) “Never give up, let go completely” — a miracle of natureReachMin — 8-string guitar — 5:05

2) “Gitasa” — a family present for a present familyPentaMin / PentaEol (pentatonic minor) w/a touch of HexaBluMin — 8-string guitar, singing saw, tanpura — 6:58

3) “Embracing Ma” — Pro-Reg-Pro meditationHexaBluMin, PentaReg / PentaPhryg (blues minor) — 8-string guitar, tanpura — 8:46

4) “Gitigota” — a first inversion pair experiment — for K — PentaReg / PentaPhryg (blues minor), PentaMin / PentaEol (pentatonic minor), Phrygian, HexaBluMin — 8-string guitar, Tibetan tingsha cymbal pair, large gong, tanpura — 16:03

5) “ॐ शान्तिः भक्ति ॐ — Ōṃ Śāntiḥ Bhakti Ōṃ” — contemplationReachMin — multiple 8-string guitar and voice — 5:15

6) “HeptaNa Gita” — harmonics medleyHeptaNa / LydAeolian — 8-string guitar, big gong, tanpura — 3:46

7) “Quad Pro square anchored octa Core” — an exploratory journeyOctaCor, Core tonality derivative — 8-string guitar, gongs, harmonium — 9:08

8) “HexaNa Gita” — harmonic six-packHexaNa w/a touch ClusterPro / LydDorian — 8-string guitar and tanpura — 3:19

9) “Gihahatigo Bhairav” — ReachBal contemplationReachBal — 8-string guitar, harmonium, tingsha cymbal pair, gong — 8:15

10) “Conscious derivative” — an island memoryHexaBlueUp (BlueUp derivative w/o 7+) — 8-string guitar, tanpura — 5:23

11) “Life is great!” — a celebratory meditation — for MättiPentaCor — 8-string guitar, crotales, large gong, tanpura — 6:27

From playlist Tonalibus G — Venturing far out and in

12) “Celebration joy” — a new start — for Metta (and Moon)TetraNa Mixolydian blend — 8-string guitar — 12:05

13) “ॐ शान्तिः Om Shanti HU” — with Elijah’s bells and cicadasPentaProLa or PentaIon (pentatonic major) on A# — tenor recorder, orthodox church bells, natural cicadas, 8-string guitar, low chanting voices in unison generating overtones — 4:43

14) “No mistake” — big sky, beach, rock, pine, broken branchPhrygian on A framing HexaBlueUp (BlueUp without 7+) on E — 8-string guitar and tenor recorder — 6:40

15) “Holy sham” — a short sound excursion far out — for M&MMixolydian on G, spiced — multiple fujara and 8-string guitar — 4:25

16) “An embrace of divine love” — no hypocrisyIonian — 7-string guitar — 9:51

17) “संप्रयाण Saṃprayāṇa” — departure from past to future, let’s go! — for MTetraNa with Mixolydian — double 7-string guitar, 8-string guitar, crotales — 15:10

18) “Gratitude in advance” — a true giftHexaBluNa or HexaLolo — 7-string guitar, 8-string guitar, crotales, gong, and tanpura — 6:10

From playlist Tonalibus F — So many colors of reality

19) “Individual bhajan” — a progression experimentPhrygian, ReachMin, ReachMix, Mixolydian — 8-string guitar, tingsha cymbals, gong, and double voice — 13:08

20) “New moon rising” — a sensitive welcomeReachNaBal — 8-string guitar — 4:52

21) “Let’s talk” — a personal manifestobased on the four corners of the sound temple, from PentaCor via HexaCorMix to LoReachUpMix and back — double 8-string guitar, voice, and gongs — 13:21

22) “Four by four” — corners of the sound temple — four gongs — 14:09

23) “HU cares” — a sound cycle pūjāAeolian — double 8-string guitar and multiple voice — 5:09

24) “Phrygian HU” — a meditative bluesPhrygian — multiple 8-string guitar, voice, crotales, tampura — 10:20

25) “Farewell welcome blues” — from one Moon to the nextPentaMin / PentaEol — twofold bass, 8-string guitar, and voice — 6:27

“Tonalibus F, G, & H” — album cover

Tonalibus F, G, & H – Album
So many colors of realityVenturing far out and inRoots, beginnings, and endings