A larvae
As human
It seems
We are.
So what will
We become
In time?
Our turn
Now spent
As caterpillar
Then actually
In a cocoon
Will we
A butterfly
Or as beetle
An ant or bee
A mosquito
Or a tick?
It’s all here
Right now!
Have a look
And choose
Your stance.
“गरुड़ Garuḍa” — puja for the celestial hawk
Old Tibetan wisdom from Milarepa and Surya Das
Milarepa to Gampopa, one of his main students, after the latter announced his intention to discard his maroon monastic robes and adopt the white cotton dress of Milarepa instead: “Don’t copy others! Each one of you must follow your own spiritual path.” Then Milarepa sang a song, explaining the original monastic state — detachment, surrender, simplicity, solitude . . . recognition of the truth of egolessness. Milarepa concluded, “Heal yourself… then you will naturally heal others. My teaching is mine; yours must be yours. Do whatever is necessary in order to evoke it from within.”
When we know who we are, we know where we fit in the cosmic pageant. Each of us is like a link in a chain; by knowing what we are, we know what we are a part of, and our individual existence assumes greater meaning.
Things are not exactly what they seem to be — nor are they otherwise. Even if we may feel far from any sort of divine reality, we can rest assured that the ultimate or absolute is never far from us.
Everyone has his or her own religion; everyone believes in something. Young children believe in everything.
Celebrate the inherent freedom and sacredness of authentic being.
— The snow lion’s turquoise mane: Wisdom tales from Tibet, Surya Das, pp. 188 and 246-251