One more step

One more step
Toward freedom
No more break
After a full life
Or most of it
Can change
Not too late
Ever another
And another
Step ahead
In the divine
This moment
New all over
Standing tall
On the past
Look ahead
To a future
Right now
Eye to eye
Facing self
One another
Together ever
Never alone
Still oneself
Pay a price
Earn it all
And love
We have.

“Harmonic two-way challenge” — CorMaj / LoloReachLyd contemplation

CorMaj / LoloReachLyd — 8-string guitar — 11:48 — as loop on a separate tab

One more step, and one more, and another… — just one!

Just wait till you see the splendor you’ll be dragged into
once you surrender your life,
once you allow God’s breath
to animate your flesh!
But don’t let my metaphors alarm you. 
The love of God never killed anybody.
On the contrary, it rescues us from all the killing in this world.
It never takes life, but gives and gives of its greater life,
and its generosity is so vast, so unfathomable,
that it can bestow the whole kingdom of Solomon on a single ant. 

— from The Divan-i-Shams-i-Tabrizi, Jalaluddin Rumi, translation: B. J. Hays

Stars, lights, and patterns consistently point a heart’s way forward

One more step
Lights at a church ceiling, or is it the sky, or heaven? — January 2023 — Heiliggeistkirche, Bern, Switzerland

Can you do it?

Can you do it?
Still — after all
Or is it already
All in place?
It’s happening
Every moment
Here and now
Life and love
Pleas’ no hate
Or judgment
Just being
In the arms
Of the divine
With the current
Light and sound
As possible
Not startled
By opposition
Giving strength
To stand up tall
And move ahead
Peek ’round corners
Like a small child
One curious soul
Finding what is
In silence.

“Doula’s song and silence” — for a new generation

ReachMin (Phrygian dominant) — voice by Philine Harte, double 8-string guitar by Ulrico — 4:06

Near-death experience — can you do it?

“There is nothing unique or special in a near-death experience. They are not rare; everyone, I would venture, has had them, at one time or another, perhaps without even realizing it. The brush of a van too close to your bicycle, the tired medic who realizes that a dosage ought to be checked one final time, the driver who has drunk too much and is reluctantly persuaded to relinquish the car keys, the train missed after sleeping through an alarm, the aeroplane not caught, the virus never inhaled, the assailant never encountered, the path not taken.

“We are, all of us, wandering about in a state of oblivion, borrowing our time, seizing our days, escaping our fates, slipping through loopholes, unaware of when the axe may fall. As Thomas Hardy writes of Tess Durbeyfield, ‘There was another date . . . that of her own death; a day which lay sly and unseen among all the other days of the year, giving no sign or sound when she annually passed over it; but not the less surely there. When was it?’

“If you are aware of these moments, they will alter you. You can try to forget them, to turn away from them, to shrug them off, but they will have infiltrated you, whether you like it or not. They will take up residence inside you and become part of who you are, like a heart stent or a pin that holds together a broken bone.”

— “I am, I am, I am — Seventeen Brushes with Death”, Maggie O’Farrell, pp. 31-32

Near-life experience — you can do it!

“I consider myself steeped in luck, in good fortune to have avoided the fate the doctors decreed for me. I have been showered with shamrocks, my pockets filled with rabbits’ feet, found the crock of gold at the end of every rainbow. I could not have asked for more from life, to have been spared what might have been. I could have died there in that hospital but didn’t. I could have been condemned to a life of immobility but wasn’t. I dodged a bullet–many, in fact.”

— “I am, I am, I am — Seventeen Brushes with Death”, Maggie O’Farrell, p. 241

Three-legged, proactive dreamer Luna

Can you do it?
What may shy luck-dragon cat Luna be dreaming of? — December 2022 — Grächwil, Switzerland

Harmony in life and music

Harmony in life and music
Within and without — always
For eyes to see and ears to hear
Take off your glasses and look
Unplug your ears and listen
Trademarks better be flushed
No matter how dear for so long
Cause the divine is no business
But all existence everywhere
To respect and relish for ever
Without pedestal or put-down
The past is merely a memory
The future visions of dreams
Now is the very moment
Reality for everyone and all
Formed alone collectively
Of course individually as well
Working together is the way
And beginning of harmony
Relative to one another
To be tuned as we go
Ahead ever further
Into the heart of God
The present moment
Where life is great
And love reigns
The divine

“Dear doula” — room for silence

TetraNa with a touch of PentaBluNa — 8-string guitar and large gong — 6:51

Looking for harmony in life and creation (like music)

Atréju sat with his head down and remained silent. He understood that a test was imposed on him that was far, far greater than his hunt. Even for the greatest hunter and the best tracker it was almost impossible to pass; for him it was too difficult.
“Well?” inquired the old centaur quietly. “Will you?”
Atréju raised his head and looked at him.
“I will,” he said firmly.
Caíron nodded slowly, then took the chain with the golden amulet from his neck and put it around Atréju.
AURYN gives you great power,” he said solemnly, “but you must not use it. For even the Childlike Empress never makes use of her power. AURYN will protect and guide you, but you must never interfere with whatever you will see, for your own opinion counts for nothing from this moment on. That is why you must go forth without weapons. You must let happen what happens. Everything must be equal to you, the bad and the good, the beautiful and the ugly, the foolish and the wise, as it is equal before the Childlike Empress. You may only seek and ask, but not judge according to your own judgment. Never forget that, Atréju!”
“AURYN!” repeated Atréju reverently. “I will prove myself worthy of the jewel. When shall I set out?”
“At once,” replied Caíron.

— Die unendliche Geschichte (The Neverending Story), Michael Ende, pp. 46-47

Clouds glowing like embers

Harmony in life and music
Sun about to rise, coloring the underside of clouds over the Alps — January 2023 — Grächwil, Switzerland

Do you hear

Do you hear
The sound

It will do
And does
Has done
Who we are
As soul
And spirit
The divine
Guides all
And sings
That song
Of love
In hearts
That listen.

You can hear
Embrace it
Be embraced
By the sound
Like a torch
In the dark
Before dawn
The rising sun
Sound heals
All wounds
On the way

“Embracing Ma” — Pro-Reg-Pro meditation

HexaBluMin, PentaReg / PentaPhryg — 8-string guitar and tanpura — 8:46

ملا نصرالدین Do you know the secret of happiness?

Nasrudin is known as much for his wisdom as his foolishness, and many are those who have sought out his teaching.
One devotee tracked him down for many years before finding him in the marketplace sitting atop a pile of banana peels — no one knows why.
“Oh great sage, Nasrudin,” said the eager student. “I must ask you a very important question, the answer to which we all seek: What is the secret to attaining happiness?”
Nasrudin thought for a time, the responded. “The secret of happiness is good judgment.”
“Ah,” said the student. “But how do we attain good judgment?”
“From experience,” answered Nasrudin.
“Yes,” said the student. “But how do we attain experience?”
“Bad judgment.”

— From The Beggar King and the Secret of Happiness by Joel ben Izzy, pp. 206-207

Do you see and hear the clearing of mystifying mists?

Do you hear
Mystifying mists rise from the nearby river — December 2022 — along the Enns near Admont, Austria