Lesson of Being Human

Each has his or her disposition, their bright and their shadier sides. That’s being human.

A spiritual master mentioned once that all is well if one remembers that one is not always tuned in — and then a vehicle for the negative. Thus the question if one stating such applies it to others and to what extent to oneself? For it appears of little value, unless it’s applied first to oneself. After all, everyone starts with oneself, the so-called first person — I. When it comes to distributing benefits or goodies of some sorts, the I usually likes or wants to get a lion’s share if at all possible. And others may just get what’s left.

This can be a good indicator of balance in life and action, in attitude and expression — or the lack thereof.

One may dream or aim to become a master of sorts. But it appears that the only way to get there is to know one is not. Thus arises the old trap of the only way again — and the paradox of wanting to be what one is not, of not being who one is. Why not just be who one is? And let go of not being who one is not? Any way it appears too obvious!

This seems at the heart of the experience, the lesson of being human.

The Right Time — Now

The flow, the force, God’s love — it makes the moment in all ways. And so, one does and is. All do and are. Responsibility to go along with what and where to make an effort. Do what one can. Together it becomes what all can and are, once all do what they can — be. Leadership and agreement opens up the way, along with accepting the charge, the blessings and challenges as they are, and as one is — all are.

In the flow, the force, God’s love in the very moment present, every moment, here and now. Harmonic pivots with things aligned as can be, prime and secondary anchors, realization shifts between planes and worlds in consciousness and action, exact tuning references, fundamental concepts depicted as possible, and many anchored tonalities with individual characteristics — all is earned and the price paid in the coin of love and effort, focus and freedom, nurtured as can be, chosen to vest in, evolving and unfolding, to finally be passed on at the right time — now.

Ch-d'A 2020-06x
Chaux-d’Abel — June 2020 — photo by Sabina Haas

Have I ever told you?

Have I ever told you
how beautiful you are,
how wonderful and special?
And that I love you?

Words may sound corny.
But actions,
like a smile or glance
deep into each other’s eyes,
can bring it all across just fine.
At times moved to a tear —
a little drop of the essence
of the loving heart.

Yes, I love you
and see you in all your beauty.
Often it’s hidden
or comes out backward
if at all.
But then we learn more about it.
Little by little.
And another lesson
is waiting already.
On and on.
As soon as one thing is in place,
another presents itself.
Such is the flow of life
and divine love
in the present moment
throughout eternity.

Cycles within cycles,
spirals complementing each other
into harmonic pivots
to be pointed out
to each other
if ever possible —
soul to soul,
heart to heart.

There are no suitable words.
Still, it’s good to talk,
to write, to communicate,
to pass on what can be.
It is through giving
that we can receive
more — love,
the nature of the divine.

Have I ever told you?
And have I ever told you that the harmonic pivot shown in two overlapping spirals is fundamental to Tonalibus?